Bruno Carnide (June 16, 1987, Leiria – Portugal), graduated in Sound and Image ñ by the School of Arts and Design of Caldas da Rainha – is an independent director since 2008, and founding director of the International Short Film Festival, ´Leiria Film Festª, since 2013.
Carnide directed several fiction, documentary and animation short films, which won dozen awards and have been exhibited in hundreds film festivals around the world.
Working currently as university teacher in the field of cinema and independent worker.
Equinox | Curta-Metragem AnimaÁ„o (2019)
Fugiu. Deitou-se. CaÌ. | Curta-Metragem FicÁ„o (2017)
Manuel | Curta-Metragem Documental (2015)
Calou-se. Saiu. Saltei. | Curta-Metragem FicÁ„o (2014)
A Luz Escureceu Nos Teus Cabelos | Curta-Metragem FicÁ„o (2012)
Em Terra Fr·gil | Curta-Metragem FicÁ„o (2011)